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My Body - My Souls Shell

People open up in front of my camera. They share their feelings, show their emotions and often even their naked bodies.

I open up in front of my camera too. The mirror is healing.

This year, my camera helped me to love my body. I learned to deeply see the beauty of my souls shell.

I want to share this experience. But I am scared. Bodies have to be clothed. My body has to be hidden.

‘feel the fear but do it anyways’ • says the voice in my head.

I choose to listen to the voice. Because being vulnerable is empowering.

In the new year I’m launching two healing photo experiences - both vulnerable and empowering ❤️‍🔥

But first I need to fully embody the experience myself. I need to close the circle before I can offer it to you.

So that’s what I will do.

My body • I learned to love it. All of it.

The simplest remedy: don’t wear clothes when at home.

Showing my vulnerable side to you before I’m ready to ask you to do the same for me…

Photography can be so much more than just taking beautiful photos. I can’t wait to invite you to one of my healing photo experiences soon...

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